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Sunday, November 14, 2010

1Thinking Vision, Mision and Values


1Thinking is an independent group that aims to be a registered society which comprises of working           professional volunteers whose mission is spearheading the growth and enhancement of quality of knowledge and awareness for the future generation of leaders.
Committed—to commit in the effort to bring value to the community and future generation
Sincere—to bring changes with an open mind and generous in sharing and exchanging knowledge
Quality  - Strive for excellence to deliver the best with the best
Caring—To be courteous and diligent in assisting the community and future generation
Aware—keeping an open mind on the current issues and   problems to assist in finding solutions
Effective—To share knowledge with precise information and workable solution
The vision of 1Thinking is to have a common thinking towards the betterment of the future generation to excel as future leaders.


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